What I have Learned About Generation Y From USC Football Coach Pete Carroll

Pete Carroll is one of the most successful college coaches in the game today. What I enjoy about the practices is the movement and the flow of those three hours on the field. The players are never standing around. The coaching staff has the team moving from one drill to the next, substituting players freely so those on the sidelines have to stay focused on what is happening on the field. The competition for playing time is fierce and the numbing hits bring “Oohs” and “Ahhs” from the spectators. Some times they end their day with inter squad games. Maybe the O-line will go up against the D-line to see which side can catch the most punted footballs. Try to imagine a 290-pound tackle trying to catch a football kicked to him from 60 yards away. Funny. These practices are fast moving, energetic, highly competitive, challenging, painful, and from what I can tell, they seem to love it.
I think the reason they love practice so much is that Carroll understands this generation. I don’t know if he reads all the generational books or research the motivational factors for Gen Y but he “gets” them. So, in addition, here’s what I’ve learned from his practices. He understands that college students are:
- Multi-task oriented, but a short attention span. Some of this has been attributed to them being raised on video games. They are too over stimulated to focus on anything for very long. Keeping practice moving is a good way to keep their interest.
- High achievers and love to be challenged, but with results. They know they’ll get playing time, even as freshmen, because if you work hard and beat out the guy above you, there’s a good chance you’ll play that week. You are rewarded when you meet the challenge.
- Community Oriented with Fun being a strong building block. Going through a crisis together can draw teams closer (or tear them apart) but it’s not all about the struggles. Having fun and enjoying the moment of the “now” is a huge part of the college years. At least it was for me.
just added you to my blogroll at www.esfeather.com - i hope to stay more caught up with you!
good post, I did feel like I was reading some propoganda about USC football, then again that is what i expect from you
Whatever PeeStink U fan. hey...I'm putting your blog up on Monday or whenever Steve can show me how to do it w/out bringing the system down. do you post something every week? Later dude.
Bob-o! Fight on brother! Good lessons from Saint Pete -- God must be a Trojan ... Loved your post and really thought your points about reaching college students and challenging them was right on. Keep up the great work and I'll probably be contacting you soon for some of your wisdom.
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