Helping Emerging Adults During Their Transitional Years
Do you remember when you were in your early twenties? For some of us we'll need a time machine, but for others we can still capture those feelings of uncertainty about what was going to happen next in our lives. Well, not much has changed for those who are going through the same things you once did. The difference is that with this generation those feelings are hindering them in making the next step towards young adulthood. Many twenty-somethings are finding that the transition from college life to the responsibilities of young adult life is a hard road. In fact, many of those in their mid-twenties still do not feel that they are ready for adulthood. So how can the Church help young people as they make their way through these years of transition? Here are some ideas.
- Offer seminars that will prepare them to live on their own (how to look for an apartment, how to connect and make new friends, etc...).
- Teach them about finances, like budgeting, college loans, spending, etc...
- Check out career surveys. Go to your local bookstore and locate sample career surveys or ask your nearest college career center to come to your church to lead a discussion about choosing a career.
- Set up a panel of older adults for an open forum on how they navigated through their twenties (a great way to connect your generations in your church).
- Show them how to interview for a job. You can do funny mock "interviews" and then go over the correct way to interview for a position.
- Do you have discipleship groups at your church? If not, then start one up. A great way in walking along side them as they seek to understand how to make right choices in their lives.
There are many other ideas that you can come up with but the important thing to remember is that twenty-somethings need older adults in their lives to help them make the transition into adulthood. They may look like adults, but not even they feel they are ready to handle adult-type issues, so don't assume they have it all worked out. They don't and need mentors to walk with them in life as they wade through this transitional time entering into young adulthood.