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Bob's Blog

Bob Hetzler talks about college age ministries.

A Journal Of A Restart Church

Our church is going through a "restart." It's the first time for me and for most in our church in processing and rediscovering the Mission and Ministry (vision) for us as a local body of believers. Like all churches, we have our peculiar circumstances that will guide some of our decisions, and there aren't many books that can cover all situations that we'll be going through. Too bad. I like it when I can find quick answers to my many questions. That's probably best that it's not always so easy. You hear those stories of miraculous endings that leave you to think, "if that can happen to them, why not me?" Each church has its ministry. That ministry can be shaped by the community you live in, those that God brings to you, leadership gifts, and other variables but ultimately it is God who gives the vision.

Right now my part is with young people and that's what I'll blog about. I'll continue to write about college-age ministries but I'll also be sharing about the journey our church will be taking. I'll be teaching about the church's' mission and ministry in a couple of our Sunday evening gatherings, and how a younger generation will affect that mission and vision. No doubt we'll be seeking thoughts and insights from others who might have traveled this road before us. My hope for myself is that God's word will be my main guide through the process. I'm a "gatherer of facts" and I love to hear what others will share about "being the church." Although useful in its place, this can be a snare for me. I find that I can depend too much on what others write about, teach on, or blog concerning the Church. Believe me, I have all the books on this issue but still I find the best place is Scripture. So, with that in mind the journey begins. Most of what I'll share will appear in this blog but I'll also post on my Facebook page...with pictures.

If you have any thoughts or questions about our restart, please feel free to ask. If you enjoy talking about the Church (or church), I would love to hear what you think. We're in a tremendous point in history for the Church in America and I believe a new outpouring of God's Spirit is soon to come. I don't think that's wishful thinking but a sense of seeing what He is doing with the love of His life. His Church.
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At December 4, 2009 at 1:23:00 AM GMT-12, Blogger danny2 said...

you'll find it a real blessing to grab as much stuff from the village (dallas tx) as you can!

the emphasis was not in the numbers they gained with their growth, but in their devotion to re-centering everything according to Scripture.

if you contact their office, they'll send you a couple cd's i found very encouraging.    

At December 4, 2009 at 5:25:00 AM GMT-12, Blogger Bob Hetzler said...

Thanks, Danny. I'll look them up today. That's the Village Church?    

At December 11, 2009 at 4:09:00 PM GMT-12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we want to restart our church… WE must be lit from the inside because that is what shows on the outside, that is what people are drawn to (God). If God lights our dry bones with the fresh breath of the spirit, that spirit of God on us will direct us and His church. We find our answer by seeking God with a whole heart on our face before Him. It is not always about repentance for it is NOT always about US. Worship Him, for it is about the Mighty God who stands before us. Humble ourselves and worship God for He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and He will lift us up. He is the King of Glory… therefore the scripture "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire" was never about a point of origination but saturation. Be saturated with God. Go with God or do not go at all. It is not our fire…. it is the fire of God found in a DALIY intimate relationship with Him through worship, praise, prayer. Do this… or church becomes only about us, our program and a religion void the Spirit.
marlin oyer    

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