Israel: Where the Bible Comes Alive
What separates Israel from other places is, of coarse, Israel itself. For such a small Middle Eastern country, Israel is the center of the world in politics and religion. That's a lot to say for a country that is no bigger than New Jersey. It is the land and people that God has chosen that make Israel so special. As you travel through the country, you can't help but have a better understanding of Scripture. To see the places that Abraham and David lived and walked gives you a fresh perspective when reading the Old Testament. As you ride a boat on the Sea of Galilee, you imagine yourself almost two thousand years back, sailing with Jesus and His disciples.
While we traveled to the next destination, our guide would lead us in songs. One song in particular has stuck with me since I've been home. The song talks about how as the mountains surround Jerusalem, the Lord surrounds His people. Driving through the mountains to get to Jerusalem, you can see the truth in what we sang. It's amazing to see how often Jesus used the landscape, the world that He created, to communicate His truth to all those that would listen. If you've never been to Israel, I would urge you to go. Maybe sacrifice a few nights out at the local pizza place and put the money you save into your "Israel trip" jar. You'll be filled up in a much richer way.
We had a fabulous trip!! It is so true -- I now read the Bible and can visualize the places we visited of biblical historical significance.
It is a beautiful country!!
Susan and Steve Smith
I loved the time out there and hope to return in the near future. Recently, I've had the chance to share my experience with my church and have seen others get excited about the possibility of going. Great trip!
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