College Ministry Round Table

What is a Round Table? A Round Table brings people together who work and serve in a common area to share ideas. For Christians, it brings together those of us who might serve with children, youth, outreach, or in other ministries. It's a great time to share ideas, give insights, look at concerns, and to seek how ministry needs can be met. Many churches do not have the financial resources to start or maintain a college ministry, yet churches are seeing the importance of reaching to the college-age in their community. That's why CE National has started to gather those who serve the college-age community. These people may be full time on a church staff or a volunteer husband and wife team. The purpose is to bring together those who serve with this age group for mutual encouragement and to share ideas in how to minister to this generation. Our first one for the year will be held at Momentum West at the Bellflower Brethen Church. Some of our participants will be Kevin Ibanez from FlipSide Church, Brad Baker of Saddleback, Keith Ko at Bellflower Brethren, and others. We'll also be having a round table at Momentum East in Cedarville, Ohio. Look for more information at the conference or check CE's web page for the day and time.
If you would like to set up a College Ministry Round Table or like to know if there is one coming to your area, you can contact me through the CE web site or email me.
If you would like to set up a College Ministry Round Table or like to know if there is one coming to your area, you can contact me through the CE web site or email me.