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Bob's Blog

Bob Hetzler talks about college age ministries.

What To Look For In A College-age Leader?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Looking for someone to lead your college-age ministry? Well, so are a lot of churches these days. Churches are seeing the need to train and reach this transitioning group of young people as they head towards young adulthood. So, what should you be looking for in a person(s) who will be investing in the lives of young people?
  • Character - I know this seems like an obvious starting place but some times we assume that a "good" church going person already has this in place. Spend time observing potential leaders. Ask church members you trust who they see as potential leaders for this group. College-age people are bright so ask a few of them who they see having godly qualities. Character is not something that everyone has but is needed when it comes to discipling the future of your church.
  • Relational - When I was in college, there were a few older adults that hung out with us in the church I attended. I don't remember the names but I do remember the impact they made in my life. One couple in their forties (is that old?) lived across the street from my dorm. Their home was open to us any time of the day or night. We had great Bible studies and prayer but it was the way they related to me that was influential. They liked spending time with me. These are key years in building relationships with college-age. A person or a couple that will pour themselves into their life will have a profound effect in their walk with Jesus.
  • Side by Side - They're moving from childhood to being young adults so walk with them...not in front of them. They look to older adults for guidance but they don't necessarily want to hear a lecture on how to live life. They observe to see if you have something of value to share. Look for someone who has listening skills. Like we've heard before...God gave us two ears but only one mouth. There's a reason for that.
  • Discipler - The Church is not about making "nice" people. We are to make disciples so look for someone who reflects that already. A discipler has a few qualities: they can teach with transformation in mind and they can lead with the purpose of training others to lead. So, you need someone who knows Scripture and can help those grow in the Lord. It's not only about information but transformation you want. Second, we need leaders in the Church. Where do you think leadership will come if you are not developing leaders at an early age?

These are just a few qualities that you should be looking for in someone who will lead your college-age ministry. Who do you see in your church body that might fit these characteristics?

Bringing Young People Into the Process of Your Church's Vision

Monday, December 7, 2009

When you are restarting your church's ministry (that Vision thing), one thing I suggest you do is to bring in college-age and young adults into the process. That's what we're doing at our church. Later this month, I'll be leading a "focus" group of young people on what they like to see our church become. I've lead a number of these types of groups but never one from my church. Now, you might be asking why is this important. Why should you involve a younger generation in shaping your churches future ministry? Because it's their future and not yours. It may seem obvious but when your church is at a new place in ministry and is seeking God's vision (i.e. trying to stop a decline in attendance), your not bringing back the 80's (or whatever church decade that was your peek). Though they still need older believers in their lives, your church's future is in their hands (with God's help). Here are a few thoughts when a church is reinventing itself.

  • Start a college-age/young adults Focus group.
  • Disciple college-age and young adults for leadership.
  • Bring young adults into your committees and let them help in the process.
  • What's your vision for college-age and 20-somethings for your church?
  • What will your church look like if you exclude 20-somethings from the discussion?
  • Be genuine. Don't ask for their insights if your not going to actively pursue them.
  • Consider hiring them on staff.
  • Listen when they share.

A Journal Of A Restart Church

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Our church is going through a "restart." It's the first time for me and for most in our church in processing and rediscovering the Mission and Ministry (vision) for us as a local body of believers. Like all churches, we have our peculiar circumstances that will guide some of our decisions, and there aren't many books that can cover all situations that we'll be going through. Too bad. I like it when I can find quick answers to my many questions. That's probably best that it's not always so easy. You hear those stories of miraculous endings that leave you to think, "if that can happen to them, why not me?" Each church has its ministry. That ministry can be shaped by the community you live in, those that God brings to you, leadership gifts, and other variables but ultimately it is God who gives the vision.

Right now my part is with young people and that's what I'll blog about. I'll continue to write about college-age ministries but I'll also be sharing about the journey our church will be taking. I'll be teaching about the church's' mission and ministry in a couple of our Sunday evening gatherings, and how a younger generation will affect that mission and vision. No doubt we'll be seeking thoughts and insights from others who might have traveled this road before us. My hope for myself is that God's word will be my main guide through the process. I'm a "gatherer of facts" and I love to hear what others will share about "being the church." Although useful in its place, this can be a snare for me. I find that I can depend too much on what others write about, teach on, or blog concerning the Church. Believe me, I have all the books on this issue but still I find the best place is Scripture. So, with that in mind the journey begins. Most of what I'll share will appear in this blog but I'll also post on my Facebook page...with pictures.

If you have any thoughts or questions about our restart, please feel free to ask. If you enjoy talking about the Church (or church), I would love to hear what you think. We're in a tremendous point in history for the Church in America and I believe a new outpouring of God's Spirit is soon to come. I don't think that's wishful thinking but a sense of seeing what He is doing with the love of His life. His Church.

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