Church 3.0: Neil Cole's Upgrading of the Church
The subject of the Church and its relevancy in this new century has been a hot topic among pastors, church leaders, and church planters for over a decade. As a younger Millennial generation creeps into their late twenties, those churches who once were filled with a post WWII generation are being ignored by a postmodern urban-hip spiritual seeking community. Neil Cole, a founder of Church Multiplication Associates, has just released his new book, Church 3.0: upgrades for the future of the church, which plots out a rethinking of what the church should be for a new century.
The book focuses in on the need and reason to "upgrade" on how we do church today. Just as we upgrade to a "new operating system," the Church today needs to do the same in order to continue being the vibrant Bride of Christ. You may not always agree with his perspective but his insights will challenge you in how we think about the Church. The first half of the book deals with how Organic churches are needed to revitalize God's mission for the next generation, while the second section of the book covers more practical workings of Organic churches. A younger group might find the Organic Movement more appealing to them then an older congregation, but both groups will see the need to be more of what Christ desires for His Church. This is a book that I believe every church leadership should read and discuss, especially if you are looking to pass your faith to the next generation of believers.
The book focuses in on the need and reason to "upgrade" on how we do church today. Just as we upgrade to a "new operating system," the Church today needs to do the same in order to continue being the vibrant Bride of Christ. You may not always agree with his perspective but his insights will challenge you in how we think about the Church. The first half of the book deals with how Organic churches are needed to revitalize God's mission for the next generation, while the second section of the book covers more practical workings of Organic churches. A younger group might find the Organic Movement more appealing to them then an older congregation, but both groups will see the need to be more of what Christ desires for His Church. This is a book that I believe every church leadership should read and discuss, especially if you are looking to pass your faith to the next generation of believers.